Saturday, February 08, 2025

Lions, Lionesses and Leos all over the United States support LPCC by contributing financially, participating in fundraising activities, volunteering as puppy raisers and leaving a legacy that allows Canine Companions to provide more exceptional dogs for exceptional people®.

• Join the LPCCI family of member clubs who make annual pledges to LPCC.
• Honor members of your club, friends and family with different LPCC awards.
• Support an LPCC sponsorship. • Hold a fundraiser to benefit LPCCI. • Share LPCCI with another Lions Club in
your area.
•Have an LPCC speaker at a club meeting. • Become a puppy raiser by providing a safe
home, attending puppy obedience classes, providing socialization opportunities and giving lots of love.
• Volunteer at LPCC or Canine Companions events.
• Join the LPCC Legacy Society for Canine Companions.
• Remember LPCC in your estate planning through bequests and other planned gifts.

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